If the problem persists you can contact with the manufacturer throug the contact form that this support area offers.
Verify that the part has not been previously assembled by the manufacturer and that it is described in the contents of the product manual. If you still cannot find the part, take note of the missing part (letter, number and/or detailed description) and go to the application form to request it from the manufacturer and it will be send to you.
If you have already replaced the batteries but you are using white-label batteries and of low cost, could be that the capacity of them is not enough for the product and/or its play time duration can be severely affected.
Use only batteries in accordance with market standards, recognized brands, and recommended by the manufacturer.
Maybe the product is blocked and must be reset. Follow the instructions about the "RESET" function which are indicated in the istructions manual or simply take off the batteries and place them again.
The original batteries may be exhausted for the try-me function use or normal use until the moment. Replace them by new ones with the features indicated in the instruction manual included in the product.
In the ON/NORMAL position of the switch or selector mode, check the check the condition of the batteries if they have not been previously replaced.
The product has learning levels. Check in the instructions manual if this function is described and included in the product and follow the indications until reach the learning level that allows to perform them.
The product has the TRY-ME function and its functions are limitated for the demosntration. Place the mode selector switch in ON/NORMAL position.