Ricerca e Sviluppo di IMC toys
Il reparto Rn'D ha il compito di plasmare l'idea iniziale del prodotto e trasformarlo in realtà, utilizzando le ultime tecnologie attraverso un team di progettisti e progettisti industriali

Thanks to this innovative capacity, the IMC brand’s product collection has been growing substantially, with several new products added each year.
IMC Toys products are renowned for their innovation and attractive design. Safety, functionality and ergonomics are the main priorities for toy design in IMC.
IMC TOYS has been supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness within the Inncorpora program, which has allowed the incorporation within the company of young people with high technical skills and great talent.
The Teutans, Invizimals and B-sweets Project (project number: TSI-100600-2013-94) have been co-financed by the Ministry of Industry, Energy, and Tourism, within the Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation Plan 2013-2016 in the framework of Strategic Action of Economy and Digital Society.